metaLAB Basel

Fields of the metaLAB@Basel

Research strands and explorative approaches


Research strands and explorative approaches

 The metaLAB@Basel will also inte­grate ongo­ing lab for­mats:

soul kitchen

the soul kitchen is a fem­i­nist, trans­dis­ci­pli­nary for­mat of exchange that ques­tions the bound­aries between insti­tu­tion­al­ized and oth­er forms of knowl­edge, prac­tices, and aes­thet­ics. soul kitchen’s mul­ti­modal approach con­sists of var­i­ous tex­tu­al gen­res, sto­ry­telling, oral his­to­ries, culi­nary com­mu­ni­ca­tion, col­lec­tive­ly cre­at­ed arti­facts, crit­i­cal debates, and deep map­ping.

urban ethnography

urban and sen­so­ry ethnog­ra­phy brings togeth­er the expe­ri­ence of researchers and prac­ti­tion­ers from many fields and has devel­oped into a method­ol­o­gy that address­es the com­plex demands of con­tem­po­rary urban set­tings. This for­mat inte­grates the devel­op­ment of work­shops and walk­shops in the city and sets a focus on fem­i­nist spa­tial prac­tices and research.

Research/ Working Groups

WG Play­ing Cul­tures

Partner 1

Duis autem vel eum iri­ure dolor in hen­drerit in vulpu­tate velit esse molestie con­se­quat, vel illum dolore eu feu­giat nul­la facil­i­sis at vero eros et accum­san et ius­to odio dig­nis­sim qui bland­it prae­sent dolore te feu­gait nul­la facil­isi.

Partner 2

Duis autem vel eum iri­ure dolor in hen­drerit in vulpu­tate velit esse molestie con­se­quat, vel illum dolore eu feu­giat nul­la facil­i­sis at vero eros et accum­san et ius­to odio dig­nis­sim qui bland­it prae­sent dolore te feu­gait nul­la facil­isi.

Partner 3

Duis autem vel eum iri­ure dolor in hen­drerit in vulpu­tate velit esse molestie con­se­quat, vel illum dolore eu feu­giat nul­la facil­i­sis at vero eros et accum­san et ius­to odio dig­nis­sim qui bland­it prae­sent dolore te feu­gait nul­la facil­isi.

Neue Lab Beiträge


Maja Sendec­ki

Com­mu­ni­ca­tion & Events

Han­na Sipos


Mar­tin Müller


Emil­ia Tik­ka
