FTRS Studies
Inquiry-based teaching and learning enables an interweaving of theory, methodology, analysis and interpretation, and research representation and practice experiences. Students participate, observe, and contribute to research. In addition, a service learning approach relates to exchanges and collaboration with communities, cultural institutions, and actors in various design fields, putting our academic work in the service for science-with-public events and efforts.
Doctoral Course and Transdisciplinary Peer-Working Group (since 2020)
University of Basel, HGK FHNW
The aim is to build networks among peers, foster collaboration, and to strengthen and diversify the production of knowledge. We bring together group across the University of Basel and the University of Applied Sciences, Academy of Art and Design Basel with the effect of crosspollination of ideas and scholarship and developing science-to-public formats in collaboration with various communities/institutions as part of a Service Learning approach.
Our goals are threefold:
- fostering a peer community and expanding more-than-academic networks
- engaging in inter- and transdisciplinary exchanges and democratizing knowledge in academic activities
- building transferable skills for various projects and career paths
Participants share a common theoretical or methodological research interest in matters of space and spatial issues as they intersect with their individual fields (Anthropology, Design, Architecture, Urban Studies, Gender Studies, various Area Studies, Media Studies, Literature, Archeology, Human Geography, Urban Studies, History, Political Science, Sociology, Psychology, Linguistics, Biology, etc).
Serious Games, Multimodal Storytelling, Playful Media
CoCreate Programm, HS 2023
Modulgruppe, CoCreate
In this course as a diverse community of learners/players, we choose socially relevant topics and build on methodological approaches (including but not limited to ethnography, scenography, performance studies and interaction design) toward developing serious games. Key themes will be exploration, interaction, and immersion. In analog, hybrid and digital settings, we deepen competencies in playing from a social and cultural perspective, engage in multimodal storytelling (text, artifacts, audio, video, olfaction, etc) and game design. The serious game provides a performative framework with comprehensible strategies and roles; it underlines the immersive character of the narrative: complex contexts are made accessible, everyday life and different realities are being enacted — from one’s own and other perspectives. Ways of knowing are memorized when connected with interwoven levels of embodied perception and through affective reactions to immersive moments. In the ambiguous, fluid spaces between identification, empathy, distance and reflection, we take up the challenge in a serious and playful way.
in forschungsbezogene Kursangebote (z.B. An:archives, Multispezies Urbane Zukünfte, Commons und Koexistenz)
in Grundlagenkurse: Designtheorie und ‑geschichte, Architekturtheorie und ‑geschichte, kritische Raumforschung
in forschungsbezogene Kursangebote (z.B. An:archives, Multispezies Urbane Zukünfte, Commons und Koexistenz)
in Grundlagenkurse: Designtheorie und ‑geschichte, Architekturtheorie und ‑geschichte, kritische Raumforschung
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Die Hochschule für Gestalung und Kunst FHNW bietet in der Schweizer Gemeinde Münchenstein bei Basel künstlerische und gestalterische Ausbildungen auf Bachelor und Master-Niveau an.
Basel2030, eine Klima-Gerechtigkeits-Initiative fordert, dass bis zum Jahr 2030 im Kanton Basel-Stadt netto null Treihausgasemissionen anfallen. Die Umstellung auf eine CO2-neutrale Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft soll im Sinne der Klimagereichtigkeit fair gestaltet sein.
We are an idea foundry, knowledge-design lab, and productionstuido experimenting in the networked arts and humanities.
Die Transformation in eine fossilfreie, CO2 neutrale Welt und die Kultivierung von Responsabilität sind bedeutende Gestaltungsaufgaben: Sie schliessen die ‹Wiederlebenswert-Machung› unserer Räume in ihrer sozialen, ökologischen und ökonomischen Dimension ein.