
Aylin Tschoepe

Founder & Project Lead

Prof. Dr. Aylin Yildirim Tschoepe is an archi­tect, anthro­pol­o­gist, urban­ist, and gen­der stud­ies schol­ar. Diver­si­ty, sus­tain­able ways of know­ing, and soci­etal changes are cen­tral process­es that she deals with in research, teach­ing, and prac­tice.

Pre­vi­ous­ly, Aylin Tschoepe gained expe­ri­ence as an archi­tect involved in pub­lic and pri­vate projects (Dipl.-Ing. 2003, MSc in Uni­ver­sal Design 2007; FH Frankfurt/TU Istan­bul). In the Doc­tor of Design pro­gram, she pur­sued her research inter­est in the social agency of archi­tec­ture and the nexus between socio-cul­tur­al and spa­tial trans­for­ma­tion at the Har­vard Grad­u­ate School of Design (2008 – 2012). To fur­ther deep­en inter- and trans­dis­ci­pli­nary per­spec­tives on urban life­worlds, Aylin Tschoepe stud­ied, researched, and taught in the PhD pro­gram in Anthro­pol­o­gy and Mid­dle East­ern Stud­ies with a Sec­ond Field in Gen­der Stud­ies at the Har­vard Grad­u­ate School of Arts and Sci­ences (2011 – 2018; field­work in Turkey: 2014 – 2016). As a post­doc­tor­al researcher, she con­tributed with her exper­tise in urban ethnog­ra­phy, par­tic­i­pa­to­ry design process­es, and urban activism to the SNF project “Visu­al Com­mu­ni­ca­tion in Par­tic­i­pa­to­ry Urban Plan­ning Process­es,” a coop­er­a­tion between the Insti­tute of Visu­al Com­mu­ni­ca­tion at the FHNW Acad­e­my of Art and Design and the Sem­i­nar for Cul­tur­al Anthro­pol­o­gy at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Basel (2018 – 2021). In 2021, she became a senior teach­ing and research asso­ciate at the Cen­ter for Gen­der Stud­ies at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Basel. There, she has gained fur­ther expe­ri­ence in fem­i­nist the­o­ry and ped­a­gogy.

Aylin Tschoepe’s cur­rent research address­es the entan­gle­ments of en/gendered bod­ies and urban spaces, as well as the mate­r­i­al and imma­te­r­i­al impli­ca­tions of the con­tin­u­ous mak­ing and unmak­ing of body-spa­tial rela­tions. With a focus on archival bod­ies as inter­faces in the con­text of nego­ti­at­ing queer futures, she stud­ies these rela­tions and inter­faces engag­ing mul­ti­modal, spa­tial, and sen­so­ry ethnog­ra­phy.

With her knowl­edge and expe­ri­ence in anthro­pol­o­gy, archi­tec­ture, urban stud­ies, queer and per­for­mance stud­ies, Prof. Dr. Aylin Tschoepe con­tributes to the Bach­e­lor Pro­gram Inte­ri­or Design and Scenog­ra­phy, to the Mas­ter Stu­dio Design, to the PhD pro­gram, and to var­i­ous research projects at the HGK. In par­tic­u­lar, Aylin Tschoepe is inter­est­ed in top­ics such as urban, invis­i­ble and ephemer­al scenogra­phies, design and urban anthro­pol­o­gy, crit­i­cal ped­a­gog­i­cal approach­es, as well as dis­cours­es on spa­tial, social and eco­log­i­cal trans­for­ma­tions.